Saturday, May 24, 2008

Goddess Grammy Renee

One of our Tuesday members of Laugh Love Live Yoga Circle at TY Park is Goddess Grammy Renee. This very talented Goddess came one day wearing a tank top with some very original straps. The fashionista within me was intrigued. And I just happened to have my camera with me. Goddess Grammy Renee was kind enough to let me take some close-ups.

She creates these herself for tanktops or bras. The next time I saw her she had a beaded one which was delicious eye candy, really. Very good, Very good, Yay!!!

Grammy Goddess Renee is a very intriguing member of our Hollywood Laughter Yoga Circle. She gifted me with two sets of “CHARGE CARDS” – LOVE and HEALING – tee hee!!! Each box contains 30 inspirational message cards based on a different theme. And there is a little display easel so you can display your card of the day. The cards come with messages for HEALING, FRIENDSHIP, LOVE, HEALING and SUCCESS.

For more information or to purchase or place and order,please contact Goddess Grammy Renee at (954) 963-6001 or via email at

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Laughter Yogis from Cayuhoga Falls

I met WSM Ed and Goddess Joanne thanks to Goddess Dorothy. She met them on her daily walk in TY Park and recruited them to come laugh with us.They were a little nervous at first but decided to stay and try it out. And kept on coming back for more. Tee hee!!! WSM Ed even shared his poetry with us. Thanks for BEing a LOVECat and letting me share.

Doctor Knoderer

It was during the depression, and I had my first session
With him in that chair that I dreaded.
With a heart full of fear and a mouth full of pain
I sat there wide open and waited.

'"Hi there, Bub! looks like you’ve got a dandy!” That kind voice broke the spell
I felt at ease as he began to tease, And soon forgot he was a dentist.
When he said he could beat me at marbles I vowed it could never be done
So the next time we met, before we got set, We had a few games which he won.
We played on his reception room carpet, Where he drew a large circle with chalk.
He couldn’t have cared less, I must confess, When the rest of the patients were shocked.
He made me feel like a king And my heart was full of pride,
To think this big man would draw that ring And kneel, himself, by my side.

This lesson of life should be worshipped by all, For its moral is as holy as God.
He healed my wounds and gave me strength Not with his tools but by his love.
He was an optimist in name, And greater still in deed,
For no one could have done the same if he merely talked their creed.

So we learn through this that what can be Divine
When we practice and are not just a believer.
And ever drink of that heavenly wine which made that dentist a true healer.

WSM Ed and Goddess Joanne had been on my mind for a while. WSM Noah and I wished them a new Laughter Community in Cayuhoga Falls. And we missed our friends.

And today – just in time for our Laughter Yoga Circle – WSM Ed and Goddess Joanne pulled up in the parking lot and joined us. It was so nice to laugh and hug and connect. Seems like they have sold their house in Florida and are heading back to Ohio.

Safe travels, my friends. Keep writing and inspiring the world, WSM Ed.