Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Humanist and his Queen Goddess

I met WSM George and his wife, Goddess Malka at our Thursday Laughter Yoga Circle.

They so enjoyed our session that they came back for more. And they brought friends. They also petitioned to have me teach Laughter Yoga at the Hallandale Memorial Senior Center.

Goddess Malka is a body laugher. She uses her whole body to laugh. She is amazing during the Wave as she lets it roll through her body and twirl her around until she releases it.
WSM George, he can start and stop at will. And when you hug him and laugh, it reverberates right through you, from the tips of your toes to your core. Tee hee!!!

WSM George is a humanist. During our healing circle at the end, he will put patience and tolerance into the circle and send it out to the Universe. Goddess Malka (which means Queen in Hebrew) and WSM George always send me the most wonderful emails. The files they send contain beautiful pictures and sounds that inspire and motivate me. This week, I was really touched by this video they shared of Declan Galbraith singing Tell Me Why.

Declan was 10 when this song was released. His compelling voice is captivating. My favorite lyric is: LAUGHTER IS THE LANGUAGE OF THE WORLD. Enjoy!!! A tidbit: On December 9, 2002, the largest choir in history, drawn from all parts of the UK and Ireland joined Declan to sing “Tell Me Why” for a Guinness World Record.