Thursday, April 22, 2010

Tuesday Laughter Yoga

Our Laughter Yoga Circle today was AWEsome.

20 souls joined us in the heat and humidity to send
love and light and laughter out into the World.

We shook our bodies and LAUGHed and danced
the Hokey Pokey. We did cell phone gibberish
and had laughter parties in our palms.

And one of our new WSMs put the whole of
England into our healing circle.

Can you imagine - the whole United Kingdom
in our Laughter Yoga healing Circle?

We send LAUGHter, Light and LOVE to all
our planet as we bring PEACE, one laugh at a time.

Tee hee ~@~

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Laughter Yoga Leader #2

WSM Gary and Sister Goddess Mina

Sister Goddess Mina led LAUGHter Yoga today.
A native of Toronto, Canada, she blesses our
beautiful City of Hollywood as a snowbird.
With a background in dance therapy, Sister Goddess Mina
is always seeking and finding cool and fabulous things to do.

Sister Goddess Mina revved us right through a
fun filled routine of Aloha and dancing and laughing
and sharing gibberish on our imaginary group cell phone

She facilitated our being JOY in the world.

It was AWEsome.

We LAUGHed and washed all our aches and pains away.
And then showered Gratitude LAUGHter to our body.

We went down crying,
We came up LAUGHing.
We released anything that
no longer served us.

We LAUGHed away the tension
as we took deep breaths and
spread the Aloha into the world

We rubbed each others back
and stimulated our chakras
We shook hands in greeting laughter
as we twisted and turned and danced

We put into our Healing Circle
Our Wishes and Intentions for the World.

We moved - flowed - LAUGHed.

We are deeply grateful to Sister Goddess Mina
and WSM Gary for encouraging her to share

Way to Go Goddess, way to Go.

Thank you for being a LOVEcat - woo hoo~@~