Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Sister Goddess Shash

Sister Goddess Shash led our circle today.
She had us LAUGHing. Ha ha ha

She is OMazing

We gibberished anger we laughed forgiveness.
Ha ha ha.

We became washing machines - shake, shake, shaking;
we scrubbed our clothes on the washboards while gibberishing
with our tribe members.

We moved out of our heads and into our bodies.
Ha ha ha.

Breathing and LAUGHing, Enjoying
the canopy of trees shielding us and the cool breeze blowing through.

Woo Hoo~@~

We even had a Doggess-Goddess named Princess
who barked at her favorite LAUGHTER techniques
and entered our Healing Circle, grounding our enerCHIs.

Some OMazing emotional releases as we shook it all about.

Very creative teamwork between Sister Goddess Shash &
Sister Goddess Lourdes, woo hoo - wahe guru
two OMazing Giggling Goddesses newly certified Laughter Yoga Leaders.

They passed the ball back and forth
Keeping the rhythm and the rhyme
to our HO HOs HA HA HAs
Creating a nice flow - a communication vibration

A great big WOOHOO to Sister Goddess Shash who graduated this weekend -
felt the fear of leading her first circle and did it anyways

TENACITY - a SuperPower Laughter gift (thanks WSM Dark Levity Ed).

Woohoo ~@~

Monday, June 28, 2010

Full Moon Drumming 06/27/10

WSM Yakov & Goddess Rolande

Picking up my drums
heading to the beach
Going to bang a beat
and stomp my feet

Woo hoo ~@~

Thank you to all who showed up
and walked the labyrinth
and howled at the Moon.


McQueen, Shash, Christina, Goddess, Celeste, Lourdes, Nicole, Antonia
Magnus and Lisa (our Teacher)

Sister Goddess Lisa led an AWEsome
Laughter Yoga leadership last weekend.
With the Full Moon on the rise,
this first time teacher
took us through a full curriculum as well
as three laughter yoga sessions.

What an OMazing experience.

9 participants and the teacher -
9 women, 1 manboy
sharing a sacred small
space for two days,
to hear the message.

The message of Laughter & Love
and how it can heal us and
in the process, heal the World.

Laughter Yoga -
getting into our bodies
and out of our heads -
healing from the INside out.

I met nine individuals
- members of my Tribe -
who learn just like me
- kinesthetically -
using our bodies and
sense of touch to
connect with our World.

We are more sensitive to the
physical world around us -
in tune with energies and emotions.

It's so easy to BE with one another
and play and dance and LAUGH
This is how we connected and
got through the physical challenges
of our space and place.

We allowed ourselves to BE -
creating OMazing friendships and
connections for a healthy community
of Laughter Yogis and Yoginis
- laughing at ourselves -
helping others do the same.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Laughter & Swimming

Tuesday, after Laughter Yoga,
WSMBoy Magnus and Goddess Christina
and I took off for the ocean.

One minute we are LAUGHING,
exchanging names -
driving down Sheridan Street -
ocean bound in MM's jeep.

Tee hee ~@~

The ocean was fabulous - wavy and frothy -
a day full of OMazing clouds
red flags up, the lifeguard strongly recommending
that we stay back so he wouldn't have to swim out
to save us.

We took response-ability.
Careful and conscious -

We run down the beach
Jump into the frothy ocean.
We swim like porpoises -
diving into the waves
feeling the strong current -
floating on our backs as
we OM'ed and HA HA HA'd our love
Sun playing peek-a-boo with the clouds

15 minutes of swimming,
feeling, cleansing,
swaying and releasing
and just being free
we swim back to shore.

The lifeguard comes running up
thanking us for our courage
and commitment to pleasure
and swimming safe
on the ocean's waves
as we played and prayed.

Monday, June 7, 2010


They came out in the rain
we sent wonderful Enerchi
into our atmosphere

WSM Yakov danced and Goddess Nicole joined him ....

We LAUGHed some more.

Woo hoo ~@~

Sunday, June 6, 2010


It has always been our policy that
we laugh, RAIN or SHINE,
because we can.

This week the Universe abundantly gave
us that cleansing, cooling, drenching rain
that our Earth so desperately needs.

Tuesday morning, one hour
before Laughter Yoga,
it was pouring so hard
the skies were dark and heavy with clouds
I couldn't see the street from my front door.

Just as we were preparing to leave,
the Sun peeked out a little,
and it seemed to clear up a bit.

When we arrived at TY Park,
everything was green and luscious
and the rain had momentarily stopped.
Long enough for us to get out of our cars
and stomp our feet in the grass
and get under the trees.

As we slowly gathered to LAUGH,
it rained around us yet not on us -
of course with a little drop here and
there running off the leaves to keep
us in the moment with each other.

We played under the trees and
for the World.

We hugged, and HOKEY-POKEYed,
we took a picture under a great big tree.

Just as we were leaving,
we got a rainbow sighting
the skies opened up
and out poured this
healing, cleansing Rain.
Woo hoo ~@~