Sometimes, my brain gets in the way. That 20% that sits in my head tries to revolt from what it knows is good for us. Starts criticizing my baby steps or what I heard, if I even heard it, hello?
It took years to stop the brain. First, I had to catch it in ACTion. Ha ha ha. Then, I had to breathe through it and do no thing. ACTion rather than reACTion. Very good, very good, Yeah. Now, I listen. And when I can't listen no more, I laugh at myself. Ha ha ha.
I am preparing for bigger ACTions. Babies grow. ha ha ha. To prepare myself, I made an INner shift. I gave myself permission to trust ME, myself and I. To LAUGH at us and WE all ways.
LAUGHing at myself (thank you Sister Goddess Monika) - HA HA HA Kiss . Knowing that I can show up with a great-full attitude and the Universe responds in kind. And a great big thank you to Sister Goddess Jackie for INspiring this video. Ha ha ha.
I am - I am
I am - I am