I am peeling the translucent layers that surround my heart. Since these are invisible to the eye, they require gentleness in order to not tear the delicate skin. Yum.
I am learning how to be in pleasure in every dimension of my life. The most chaHAhallenging is the maintenance of my home.
Really learning the process of being a domestic diva - a homemaker and caretaker - has been difficult. I fought this discipline for a long time. Hiring others to clean my house while I was doing other things. Except no one can love my stuff well until I do and then teach them to do the same. After going through an army of merry maids and happy housecleaners, I surrendered and took it on myself.
I place a tiara on top of my head. I crank on the music and I let myself go. Devoting energies into different rooms as I sort, clear, purge and clean (washing floors, windows, dusting.....). I sing along to the tunes and sway and sashay. I feel a shift in my vibrational energy. As the water in the mop bucket gets darker, I feel a sadness I did not know existed within, lift.
My research (experimentation and experience) shows that dancing makes everything better. It changes a bad mood into a good mood. It gets me into my body and out of my head when I am facing a chaHAhallenge and it allows me to move deeper within where my truth resides.
I have always believed that dancing is the way to reconnect myself with my body - to truly inhabit the space within - it is so amazing how music can fill my soul and all of a sudden, my foot starts twitching and drumming a beat and then my hand follows, tapping a rhythm on my thigh - until I surrender to the music and let myself go and allow my energy to flow.
Dancing started at a young age. Friday nights after dinner, we'd gather in the basement and dance: Abba (Dancing Queen), Neil Diamond (Coming to America), Boney M (By the River of Babylon) and anything from the soundtrack of Grease. My cousins and I, my parents, my aunts and uncles - we would release all the tensions and cares of the weeks and boogie on down.
When I was in my teens, my girlfriends and I would sneak into the bars and dance, dance, dance - we didn't care for the drinking or the men - just the music pulsating in our veins and the unrestrained freedom of moving and sweating and being.
And so, it was a real pleasure to re-mind myself of how important dance is to my soul, my body and me.
I sway - I sashay - I spin - I move my hips - I do the hokey pokey and I turn myself about - that's what it's all about!!!
P.S. The moment I surrendered into the process and made it fun, a fabulous woman appeared in my life. Now, this gorgeous Angel comes twice a month to my house and gives it a thorough cleaning - nooks and crannies - and loves it the way I do. Woohoo.