Can you imagine a morning when you pop out of bed, energy flowing, ready to face the day, accomplish everything you want and feel great? This state of mind and body can be achieved before your first cup of coffee.
Most non-traditional medical systems (shahamans, ayurvedic physicians, Chinese medicine) believe that there is an energy flowing in the body which gives it life and health. Therefore, imbalances and blockages in the flow of this energy leads to dysfunction and dis-ease. Moving the blockages and creating a harmonious and balanced flow is the goal of healing.
I'll shaHAre with you 3 easy peasy techniques to boost your enerCHI every day. The key is consistency. You need to do these things regularly to feel the cumulative effects. With a daily practice, these new hahabits will quickly integrate into your new way of being.
Let me better define what EnerCHI is - CHI according to the Chinese is the term for LifeForce or Universal Energy - energy that permeates everything around us. It is the energy inside our body, as well as the energy outside and around us.
The development of chi can increase our energy -making us robust and enhancing our mental capacities and balancing our emotions.
To maintain pain-free, optimal health, EnerCHI needs to circulate through our entire body, without disruption, in a smooth and powerful fashion.
My 3 easy peasy techniques to boost your energy every day:
MOVE YOUR BODY: Shahake it all about. Shake your fingers. Shake your left hand, your right hand. Shake your leg. Shake your tail. Do a Shahakti Shahake and get that energy moving. A little Hokey Pokey and putting our whole selves in will do or any other aBUNdance will do. Take the bike out for a spin, go for a walk, throw the ball with a dog.
LAUGH: Laughing feels good. It allows the whole body to get in on the action. It helps you breathe deeper and get the endorphins flowing so you can look good and feel great.
If you cannot laugh by yourself, seek out people who laugh. (Join a laughter circle, call a laughter line). We absorb good vibrations and positivity. The energy transcends - the healing effects make us feel better immediately. Set your intention to laugh as much as possible. Regularly laughing increases our energy field.
MEDITATE: There are all sorts of meditation one can do to BE in the MOMent. The point here is to slow down and be still long enough to connect with that enerCHI and see what it needs from us to be balanced and stronger.
We can sit cross legged or we can have a walking meditation or a laughing meditation (check out this fabulous 3 part Mystic Rose meditation from Osho). We can even whirl and spin for another type of active meditation (Sufi whirling)
These 3 easypeasy techniques practiced 10 minutes a day, consistently, will raise your vibration and your enerCHI. Since we are building new muscles - daily practice - small baby steps - and a lot of love are required.
Here's to our good health and great enerCHI