As I turned 45, I was desperately praying to the Universe for a little soul all my own to love. Funny thing is, every time I make this prayer, a new member joins our family.
This time, we got a phone call from BFAM Victor with a little kitten who was domesticating him. Since he couldn't keep her, he called us. I asked GingerMama and EllyBelly about bringing a little One to live with us. Of course, they said yes. And so our newest member Maxie moved in.
Maxie the Meow was quite independent before she arrived - living a life of leisure at the beach she decided to settle in with we humans. On her first night at our house, she was fine in my creative room - a small space to get acclimated in her new surroundings. However, the moment she saw a patio and pool beyond the window, she learned to fly out the window. She loves being outside in the garden and walking around the pool. She loves nestling in the grass and sniffing everything.
She loves being with us. I call her name and within moments she responds. She flies in a room and marks her scent all over me as she rubs her little body around my legs. She makes me laugh - the crazy way she totally relaxes her body when she sleeps or how one ear goes up but nothing else moves. Or how she leaps in one amazing bound when she is ready to explore and investigate. Or how in the next moment she lays across my knee and falls asleep.
I had forgotten what it means to have a Little One in the house again. Besides the litter box and the extra cat food - she adds quite a bit of things to do that I was not keeping up with. Having her in the house has made us reexamine how we do things. A little re-evaluation of our lives from her perspective. Maxie is so very sensitive to things we take for granted - her sense of smell is so heightened that dishes that sit in the sink or laundry in the basket is not very pleasant for her. Being the smallest member of the family, she is low the ground. She likes to plop herself wherever is most in her pleasure.
In our household, all four footed beings are LITTLE PEEPs - souls that needs response-ability in order to survive & thrive in our home. The water must be changed fresh every day - food must be served - bowls cleaned - floors swept - carpets shook - blankets/bedding changed. Then there's the daily brush - combing of fur to remove lodged in dirt and fleas. And massage - slow touch and rubbing - connection of paws to hands.
Maxie is quite verbal - she meows loud enough to let you know when she wants your attention. And when I don't get it, she nips at my ankles as if to lovingly remind me that she knows best. The amazing thing is that all that she requests done in the house is something that benefits the household. It keeps me current on my housework, house smelling clean and fresh.
Maxie is also very inquisitive - she jumps into or onto anything - no fear. The other day she jumped onto the prickly tree we have out front. As quick as she jumped on it, she bounced back. Except she didn't go scampering away. She was hobbling. I called her over and pet her until she relaxed in my arms and let me pick her up. She had so many little sharp needle like protrusions sticking out of her baby paws and stuck in her fur. As LoverBoy rubber under her chin, I slowly extracted what did not belong.
Maxie's coming into our lives has been such a blessing. She is helping me with HOW I DO ANYTHING IN MY LIFE IS HOW I DO EVERYTHING. What I remember thanks to Maxie is that there are no shortcuts and that a job worth doing is a job worth doing well. And that if I am going to do it, I might as well as laugh about it and have a good time. Thanks for being with us Maxie Meow and loving us just right. And thahahank you my Brother from Another Mother Victor for bringing this angel into our lives at just the right MOMent.