Sunday, November 7, 2010

Laughter Yoga Thursday Night

It was pouring this afternoon - temperature dropping a bit - cold front coming in.
Wasn't sure if anybody would show up for Laughter Yoga tonight. We left home early and got there 45 minutes early.

Great news from Sister Goddess T whose job might have been saved by her LAUGHter muscle. She hugged WSM Noah and me and told us we were the reason she was so happy. Ha ha ha. What OMazing news.

I walked down to the ocean. Took my flip flops off and planted my feet in the cold wet sand. Staring out at the ocean and the beautiful cloud symphony playing for me. The wind blows, the waves move. We are singing a song of joy and peace.

The rain that threatens to come is still not here. I feel so blessed. It always arrives either before or after we LAUGH. We are almost always given the opportunity to LAUGH outside - in nature.

Tonight, WSM Manny shows up. One of our first LAUGHers, WSM Manny and I created the NEMO Laughter from a clip WSM Manny shared from Finding Nemo. Our hands clapping - it feels so good - we warm up and get the EnerCHI tingling. We LAUGH. We hug. WE play.

Life is very good, very good, Yay~@~

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I love Tuesday mornings.
I call SG Christina at 6:00 a.m. to wish her a Ha-ha-happy Tuesday.
She picks me up at 7:30 a.m. and we do the course at TY Park.
2 1/2 miles of fabulous trees and birds and dogs.
We walk and talk and LAUGH. Ha ha ha.

Today's LAUGHter Circle was AWEsome.
16 people show up to LAUGH with WSM Noah and I and the trees.
Ho ho Ha ha ha - hokey pokey - we shake it all around
What OMazing enerCHI we create together

From there SG Christina and I go to the ocean
Even though the waters are cold (73 degrees today)
that does not deter us from jumping in head first
(only way to do it when it's cold)

we swim out to the reef and there we float on our backs and
OM - life is good - and then we HA HA HA while going with the flow
We ha ha ha as we look up at the clouds - feeling the sounds
reverberate in our ears and in the water.

7 minutes later we are racing for shore
We sit and dry off in the yummy sun
I love Tuesdays~@~

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

LAUGHter & Draguation

It's 10:15 p.m., Sunday, October 3, 2010. The music is blaring. It's way past my bedtime. I am standing on the 2nd floor balcony, overlooking the dance floor and stage.

My feet ache from the high heels. My face is itchy from the makeup. I am hot and sweaty from this wig. I am way out of my comfort zone. There are still seven OMazing performers before me. I am tired, am losing my hearing and not sure what I am going to do up on that stage. In fact, I am scared silly. Ha ha ha.

The voices start to take over - louder than the music and the ruckus vibrating around me - the naysayers in my head. What's Going On?

I take a deep breath and look across to the balcony on the other side of the bar. In the dark and flashing light chaos, I think I see Sister Goddess Christina. I wish, I pray. I think she sees me. There is no recognition for a moment. Her right hand goes up and she does a HA HA HA party in her hand.

At that moment, a lump in my throat shifts and a tightly held back tear falls out of my eye. Amidst the din and confusion, both my hands go up reflexively to HA HA HA right back at her. A smile shines from deep within and just takes over my face. I take a deep breath and I relax into the HA HA zone.

I shake the tension off my back and into the ground. My fears forgotten. I AM the Goddess of HA HA. BEing a Queen for one night - I can do this.

I breathe again - deep into the moment - the air is electric - the love vibe in the building is pulsing, thumping, beating - like a Mama's heartbeat. I am so excited - dancing and singing to a crowd of loving supporters - what an opportunity to grow. Tee hee~@~

Sister Goddess Christina (a/k/a Joy In Motion) and I - we shared this special moment - a secret HA HA HA - in the midst of the hurricane. The HA HA HA - in my BODY and out of my HEAD. The ego became my amigo as BODY WISDOM took over. Just BE the best ME I can BE. Muscle memory & connection to something greater than Me took over. Very good, very good - yay~@~

Thank you Sister Goddess Christina for the HA HA to A-ha moment we shared. Thank you for BEing my angel in the wings. And the fabulous roses you had for me waiting in the wings. Ha ha ha. I am grateful for our SISTERHood and this Omazing muscle we are growing - together - in COmmUNITY..

Feeling the fear and doing it anyways.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Full Moon Drumming

It rained all day today.
Great big sunshowers and downpours.
I wasn't sure if we would be drumming on the beach in celebration of the Full Moon.

I prayed for a PHENOMENON.
I tapped on my heart - HA HA HA - to create & hold space.
I tapped on my third eye - HA HA HA - to remind myself how I KNOW when I connect within.
I tapped on my drum - HA HA HA - it sang its song to me.

Ha HA ha to A-HA.

I opened my email and there it was. Sister Goddess Christine Steven's UPBEAT Drum Circle Newsletter. The RDA - Recommended Daily Allowance - for this month was the rhythm of LAUGHter. Ha ha ha.

(Click HERE to see her with Laughter Goddess Cristiana Carter)

So we drummed. With the winds blowing and the ocean churning - we banged our drums and HA-HA HA-HA HO-HO HA-HA... We LAUGHed and drummed until our bellies ached and our fingers tingled. We let the winds carry our "feel great" vibrations over the ocean. We allowed our bodies to move to the ancient rhythms reMEMBERed. The clouds performed a symphony of shades as we banged our appreciation and LAUGHed.

T-HA-nk you for all those who braved the elements and showed up. No coincidences, my friends. WE are the people we've been waiting for.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

LAUGHING in the Rain

I am sitting here this evening and it is pouring. The winds are gusting, the trees are swaying. Tropical Storm Nicole. WooHOO~@~

What an OMazing day. Today's Laughter Circle was magical.

SG Christina and I were finishing up our 2.1 mile walk at TY Park. The clouds provided loving shade from the sunball of heat. It got a little darker, the air got cooler and the winds picked up. A yummy breeze swept through the trees as it started to tinkle. Teeny raindrops fell on our faces refreshing our parched and hot faces.

We walked over to the car just as Mother Nature let loose. It poured. Sitting in Wee Grace as the windows fogged up. Twelve minutes we sat in the car - torrential rains - the grassy areas flooded and muddy. Not sure anyone was going to brave the storm to laugh.

3 minutes to 8 - SG Christina told me. I wrapped myself up in my pink towel and left the car to run over to the pavilion. Lights flashed, a horn went off and someone waved from their car. Ha ha ha. We looked like angels aggregating in the rain. Is this the happy group? the man under the pavilion asked. Ha ha HA.

10 of us gathered together to laugh and stretch and breathe together. The metal roof hammered rain drops around us as we HA HA HEE HEEd. We hugged, we danced and we LAUGHED out LOUD. until the sun came out. Woo hoo ~@~

Thank you Universe for sending SG Diani and SG Victoria - two yummy laughing OMazing mother in laws.

Woohoo ~@~

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Day 2 - Lucky Girl - 07/01/10

I was praying to the Universe for a baby. All my cousins are pregnant. I am the only remaining female in the family without babies. WSM Noah and I are married 13 years. You know, time to start a family, skip the pregnancy part and let me have a baby meow. Ha ha ha. Be careful what you ask for. This is how LUCKY GIRL came into my life.
So, I proceeded with life as usual. In fact, I think I had more activities on my schedule than usual. Tee hee ~@~ So the Universe gave me a gentle life lesson to re-align me. Ha ha ha.
GingerMama and I were walking SG Susan and her kids home.We had just enjoyed a lovely sun and swim afternoon. The day was winding down. Doggess-Goddess Molly came out to say Hi to GingerMama. And then Daisy, Molly's sister, came out to sniff around. Daisy and GingerMama do not yet see eye to eye. A dog brawl began. SG Susan and I ran to get the hose and spray the dogs to separate them. As the dogs let go of each other, my flip flops got entangled in the hose. I saw myself go down for the fall - in slow motion - you know it's happening and there is no thing you can do to prevent it or change it. I pasted a smile on my face and went down laughing - Ha ha ha. I heard/felt/knew something cracked.

It's OMazing how we, as women, can just pick ourselves up and keep on going - something about being a good role model to the little peeps that are watching. Tee hee ~@~ I picked myself up - dusted my injuries off and walked GingerMama home. At home, I did what my soul longed for - RELEASE - I cried. No more brave front. I just let the emotions spill out. I checked my injuries. Two very badly bruised swollen shins, scratched up toes and elbows, massive bruise on my hip and some road rash.

At the time, I didn't make the connection between my prayer and this phenomenon - this INcident. And yet, at home, with my legs up and ice packs all over - there was no thing else to do but to Heed the warnings and HEAL. Ha ha ha.

Lucky Girl's warm little body purring me back to health. I am paying attention to the signs. Going back to the teachings. The 40 days. When a new soul enters your life, 40 days to bond and allow the little PEEP to embrace this Universe. Back to bed with Lucky Girl - cancelling all my appointments and focusing on the gift of life - the baby given to me.

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Matriarch SG Maria and her Tribe
Sister Goddess Mama Maria hails from the Dominican Republic. She spent 40 years in the New York/New Jersey area. Having made Florida home for 4 years – she's been an active participant of Laughter Yoga. She is an OMazing LAUGHTER Yogini - gets me LAUGHING out LOUD when she gibberishes. Ha ha ha. And she has these OMazing MOM hugs.

For the past 20 years, SG Mama Maria has been a single mom to 4 beautiful children. During this time she raised fabulous kids while putting herself through college twice. She graduated Magna Cum Laude twice with degrees in Administrative Assistant and Human Services. She then spent 2 years volunteering for a nursing home. They loved her so much, they hired her back for 8 more. Tee hee~@~ Today, her JOB – Joy of Being – is working at home – taking care of the second generation of progeny – all Goddesses In Real Life – as she empowers their Moms – to succeed in the world.

SG Mama Maria has three daughters (Sister Goddesses) and one son (WSM). This one generation has given her another - 4 Goddesses In Real Life Granddaughters. Just like their mama, her children are kindhearted and intelligent.

Goddesses In Real Life Kiana & Nakia


SG Mama Maria hurt her back a few years ago and this event changed her choices in life. The back pain was excruciating and caused even more stress to her body. She found LAUGHter Yoga while exercising in the park with her sister, SG Francis. SG Mama Maria says:

“After the second time that I went to laughter yoga, I felt so much better.
I said to myself: what is this? Why is my pain half-way gone? Laughter Yoga is
helping me with my pain management. I constantly invite people to join our
circle at the park. I express my opinion that it will make them feel better and get
healthier and they can take advantage of Laughter Yoga. “

SG Mama Maria is the Matriarch of her family. As such, she has a strong influence on her family’s spiritual life. She believes play is important. We have been blessed to laugh with all three of her SG daughters and all her GIRL granddaughters. And all three generations have drummed under the full moon together.

SG Mama Maria Mantra: “We have to be there for family when they need us”

Thank you for being part of our lives SG Mama Maria.
We are so INspired by your gentleness and kidness and kindness.
Thank you for making Tuesdays and Wednesdays so much fun

Full Moon Drumming 12/02/09

Full Moon 10/09

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Forgot my Identity

One of our Laughter Goddesses forgot her IDentity.
Tee hee ~@~
A pair of black sunglasses - with IDENTITY stamped into the arm.
So freeing to laugh and let go of our Identities - if even for a moment.

Ha ha ha~@~

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Sister Goddess Shash

Sister Goddess Shash led our circle today.
She had us LAUGHing. Ha ha ha

She is OMazing

We gibberished anger we laughed forgiveness.
Ha ha ha.

We became washing machines - shake, shake, shaking;
we scrubbed our clothes on the washboards while gibberishing
with our tribe members.

We moved out of our heads and into our bodies.
Ha ha ha.

Breathing and LAUGHing, Enjoying
the canopy of trees shielding us and the cool breeze blowing through.

Woo Hoo~@~

We even had a Doggess-Goddess named Princess
who barked at her favorite LAUGHTER techniques
and entered our Healing Circle, grounding our enerCHIs.

Some OMazing emotional releases as we shook it all about.

Very creative teamwork between Sister Goddess Shash &
Sister Goddess Lourdes, woo hoo - wahe guru
two OMazing Giggling Goddesses newly certified Laughter Yoga Leaders.

They passed the ball back and forth
Keeping the rhythm and the rhyme
to our HO HOs HA HA HAs
Creating a nice flow - a communication vibration

A great big WOOHOO to Sister Goddess Shash who graduated this weekend -
felt the fear of leading her first circle and did it anyways

TENACITY - a SuperPower Laughter gift (thanks WSM Dark Levity Ed).

Woohoo ~@~

Monday, June 28, 2010

Full Moon Drumming 06/27/10

WSM Yakov & Goddess Rolande

Picking up my drums
heading to the beach
Going to bang a beat
and stomp my feet

Woo hoo ~@~

Thank you to all who showed up
and walked the labyrinth
and howled at the Moon.


McQueen, Shash, Christina, Goddess, Celeste, Lourdes, Nicole, Antonia
Magnus and Lisa (our Teacher)

Sister Goddess Lisa led an AWEsome
Laughter Yoga leadership last weekend.
With the Full Moon on the rise,
this first time teacher
took us through a full curriculum as well
as three laughter yoga sessions.

What an OMazing experience.

9 participants and the teacher -
9 women, 1 manboy
sharing a sacred small
space for two days,
to hear the message.

The message of Laughter & Love
and how it can heal us and
in the process, heal the World.

Laughter Yoga -
getting into our bodies
and out of our heads -
healing from the INside out.

I met nine individuals
- members of my Tribe -
who learn just like me
- kinesthetically -
using our bodies and
sense of touch to
connect with our World.

We are more sensitive to the
physical world around us -
in tune with energies and emotions.

It's so easy to BE with one another
and play and dance and LAUGH
This is how we connected and
got through the physical challenges
of our space and place.

We allowed ourselves to BE -
creating OMazing friendships and
connections for a healthy community
of Laughter Yogis and Yoginis
- laughing at ourselves -
helping others do the same.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Laughter & Swimming

Tuesday, after Laughter Yoga,
WSMBoy Magnus and Goddess Christina
and I took off for the ocean.

One minute we are LAUGHING,
exchanging names -
driving down Sheridan Street -
ocean bound in MM's jeep.

Tee hee ~@~

The ocean was fabulous - wavy and frothy -
a day full of OMazing clouds
red flags up, the lifeguard strongly recommending
that we stay back so he wouldn't have to swim out
to save us.

We took response-ability.
Careful and conscious -

We run down the beach
Jump into the frothy ocean.
We swim like porpoises -
diving into the waves
feeling the strong current -
floating on our backs as
we OM'ed and HA HA HA'd our love
Sun playing peek-a-boo with the clouds

15 minutes of swimming,
feeling, cleansing,
swaying and releasing
and just being free
we swim back to shore.

The lifeguard comes running up
thanking us for our courage
and commitment to pleasure
and swimming safe
on the ocean's waves
as we played and prayed.

Monday, June 7, 2010


They came out in the rain
we sent wonderful Enerchi
into our atmosphere

WSM Yakov danced and Goddess Nicole joined him ....

We LAUGHed some more.

Woo hoo ~@~

Sunday, June 6, 2010


It has always been our policy that
we laugh, RAIN or SHINE,
because we can.

This week the Universe abundantly gave
us that cleansing, cooling, drenching rain
that our Earth so desperately needs.

Tuesday morning, one hour
before Laughter Yoga,
it was pouring so hard
the skies were dark and heavy with clouds
I couldn't see the street from my front door.

Just as we were preparing to leave,
the Sun peeked out a little,
and it seemed to clear up a bit.

When we arrived at TY Park,
everything was green and luscious
and the rain had momentarily stopped.
Long enough for us to get out of our cars
and stomp our feet in the grass
and get under the trees.

As we slowly gathered to LAUGH,
it rained around us yet not on us -
of course with a little drop here and
there running off the leaves to keep
us in the moment with each other.

We played under the trees and
for the World.

We hugged, and HOKEY-POKEYed,
we took a picture under a great big tree.

Just as we were leaving,
we got a rainbow sighting
the skies opened up
and out poured this
healing, cleansing Rain.
Woo hoo ~@~

Sunday, May 23, 2010


My right foot 11/2007

Moving a few pieces of furniture in our

creative room to gain perspective.

We started moving too fast and

getting impatient in our communication.

The filing cabinet - I lose balance -

comes down with a thud

a Noah's Ark bookend flies off

and lands on my right foot -

area just below my little toes -

the elephant's nose in my toes.

The pain was so intense -

I started to howl

pushed everything out of my way

so I could sit and relieve the pressure off my foot.

I felt that superHERO strength

as my body bucked and thrashed

with that little piece

still pierced deep

in that oh so tender spot.

The throbbing of my heartbeat as

I moaned: Oh my God, Oh my God.

The staccato pounding in my eardrums

as the waves of pain radiate from my foot

seep into my leg and up my spine

and right into my head.

I start seeing stars,

I'm no longer sure I'm in this dimension

As I feel the shortness of my breath.

WSM Noah says he's never

seen my face contort

so rapidly and go through

such a flood of emotions.

He starts to LAUGH.

He heard the thud (from the other end )

but has no way of knowing what happened.

As he LAUGHed, I LAUGH-cried.

You know, LAUGHing and crying

at the same time.

When your insides and outsides act independently,

without requesting input from your head -

doing their own thing, whatever, whenever.

I'm breathing consciously again - woo hoo

releasing and relaxing my muscles

rolling into the waves instead of

attempting to hold them back.

Noah ran for the ice and kleenex for my,

add to the drama, leaky nose,

snot running all over me.

I assess the situation. I blow my nose.

I see the blood gushing

out of an aperture in my foot

and how the skin next to it was

turning blue and swelling.

And I had a flashback to a few years back

(right around this time) when we were in Cat Island.

Last day of our trip on the island -

morning barefoot beach walk, I

stub my toe on a huge slab of a rock that was

barely protruding in the sand.

And the pain is so intense -

I ...... BREATHE.

Ha ha ha.

Gentle life lessons, gentle life lessons.

Our CSI background comes in handy

WSM Noah cleans the site with hydrogen peroxide.

He lowered the tweezers in and

finds a sharp little piece of white clay -

he pinches and pulls it out ever so delicately -

it slurps out of the punctured skin and

with a whoosh the back up blood gushes out.

He firmly applied pressure

to the site of the wound

and staunched the flow of bood.

My face is doing its own thing as my body

sweats and leaks from all of this trauma.

The swelling goes down as

the blue lump ebbs away.

We cry together from the intensity of our experience

We laugh together about the energy it is releasing

He carries me to the living room.

He icepacks my leg and my lower back

(toe bone's connected to the hip bone....well, eventually)

which is now fiercely complaining about

my unflowy behavior earlier when

I tensed up and stressed out

instead of letting the lava flow.

And today, I practice again

the art of doing No-thing.

It wasn't part of my plan.

It seems to be the PLAN.

Ha ha ha.

I sit here writing,

blessed to be in bed,

blessed to be with Noah,

blessed to mastering the

Art of Do-ing NO-thing.

BE More, Do Less

So many gifts.

Thank you WSM Noah for being in my life.

And for all the LAUGHter.

Happy Anniversary, my love.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Spring is in the Air ???

I was so wishing it would start warming up today.

Walking with GingerMama in 55 degree weather in South Florida kind of boggles the mind. Mixes up the body pretty good too.

My OMazing Sister Goddess Christina was here with Wee Grace at 7:30 a.m., bright eyed and ready to walk through the park and sing to the trees with me.

We have a Walk and Talk before Laughter Yoga - it gets my motor humming and my ears tuned.

Today, I wore my 4th of July Pants and my Bicycle Therapy shirt. It's almost as if I am prodding the Universe to hurry up and warm us up.

I am still feeling a little queasy as my core muscles and organs shrink back into place. I took off my shoes - the ground is warm and healing - I feel grounded and at peace although my rollercoaster has not stopped. Tee hee ~@~

As we created our Circle and held hands and OM'd together, the Universe left us a gift. As we opened our eyes and saw each other smiling - we noticed a white feather in the center of our circle - an opportunity to set intentions of peace and love and healing.

All is well in the world today.

What a blessing to BE and LAUGH.
What groovy vibes we choose to create.
Woo hoo~!~

And the yummy ripples they create.

(Check out Ripples Project)

Tee hee ~@~

Thank you Mama Earth for the healing & love you provide.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Tuesday Laughter Yoga

Our Laughter Yoga Circle today was AWEsome.

20 souls joined us in the heat and humidity to send
love and light and laughter out into the World.

We shook our bodies and LAUGHed and danced
the Hokey Pokey. We did cell phone gibberish
and had laughter parties in our palms.

And one of our new WSMs put the whole of
England into our healing circle.

Can you imagine - the whole United Kingdom
in our Laughter Yoga healing Circle?

We send LAUGHter, Light and LOVE to all
our planet as we bring PEACE, one laugh at a time.

Tee hee ~@~

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Laughter Yoga Leader #2

WSM Gary and Sister Goddess Mina

Sister Goddess Mina led LAUGHter Yoga today.
A native of Toronto, Canada, she blesses our
beautiful City of Hollywood as a snowbird.
With a background in dance therapy, Sister Goddess Mina
is always seeking and finding cool and fabulous things to do.

Sister Goddess Mina revved us right through a
fun filled routine of Aloha and dancing and laughing
and sharing gibberish on our imaginary group cell phone

She facilitated our being JOY in the world.

It was AWEsome.

We LAUGHed and washed all our aches and pains away.
And then showered Gratitude LAUGHter to our body.

We went down crying,
We came up LAUGHing.
We released anything that
no longer served us.

We LAUGHed away the tension
as we took deep breaths and
spread the Aloha into the world

We rubbed each others back
and stimulated our chakras
We shook hands in greeting laughter
as we twisted and turned and danced

We put into our Healing Circle
Our Wishes and Intentions for the World.

We moved - flowed - LAUGHed.

We are deeply grateful to Sister Goddess Mina
and WSM Gary for encouraging her to share

Way to Go Goddess, way to Go.

Thank you for being a LOVEcat - woo hoo~@~

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Laughter Yoga Leader #1

Sister Goddess Christina & Wee Grace

We were blessed today to have
Sister Goddess Christina
lead our Laughter Yoga

Sister Goddess Christina drives WeeGrace
all the way from the heart of Miami to
join us for LAUGHter; it is a privilege
to see her in action

SG Christina laughs from her heart;
she hears her song
and shares so completely
It's such a beautiful melody

Sister Goddess Christina brings her
music therapy background into play
as we follow her sway; her vibration
- her JOY in MOTION -
is delightful

We giggle and LAUGH and play

We hold our hearts and
expand our rib cages
and Yell with all our might
- because we can -
tee hee ~@~

We hokey poky our whole selves in
and greet each other with Namaste LAUGHter
and LAUGHter handshakes and hugs

We play under the trees
As the Birds watch and bless
Our ripples of LAUGHter & Peace
which they will carry to the
corners of the World

Woo Hoo~@~

Thank you Sister Goddess Christina
for being a LOVECat and sharing
your JOY In MOTION with us.

Go Goddess Go

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Laughter Yoga - Tuesday Morning

This morning I was a little tired. Couldn't tell if it would warm up or stay cold. The park and most of Hollywood was blanketed in a deep and heavy fog. We got to TY Park - ready to LAUGH and shake it out. The coots and the ibises and squirrels were there to greet us.

Today's LAUGHter Yoga was AWEsome. Lots of energy as the Full Moon is almost upon us. Our core group of regulars was set to go - almost bouncing in our bodies.

My favorite exercise today was HEART LAUGHter. I love putting my hands on my heart and connecting with the powerful engine within. I love to sway and slow down to my body's natural rhythm. The sun tried to break through the fog while we swayed under the trees. Hands on our hearts, taking a deep inhale and then exhaling a big HA. Getting louder and prouder with each HA we released, we built up to six HA's as we looked into each others eyes. Having an opportunity to be conscious and feel my heart - this is powerful medicine.

It feels good to create EnerCHI with like minded souls who feel the same way about LAUGHing. Thank you to all the trendsetting WSMs & Goddessess above who braved the imminent showers that blew away as we created waves of Aloha LAUGHter to send out to the World.

It's funny. I'm not tired anymore. Tee hee ~@~

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Adventure 1/23/10

A great big THANK YOU and NAMASTE to Sister Goddess Marissa of Parks & Recreation for the City of Doral. This amazing Goddess runs all sorts of cool programs for kids. She invited us to participate in a Teacher Planning Day camp. On the days that teachers plan and kids are sent home, the City provides a day camp alternative for working parents. SG Marissa had all sorts of fun activities for the 54 kids enrolled. She hires yoga teachers and martial arts instructors and jazzercise pros to immerse the kids in new activities.

WSM Noah and I were blessed to LAUGH as penguins and monkeys might. Surrounded by 54 little Peeps we roared like lions and shook it all out. Ranging in age from ages 5 to 11, these little souls were OMazing. We were immersed in the moment as we HO HA HA HA'd. We spoke gibberish and sent ALOHA love to the world. We created so much yummy energy that day.

My hair got touched, twirled, stroked and braided. I got high fives and low fives and heads on my belly LAUGHter. So much LOVE. WSM Noah and I left there with warm hearts and happy spirits - oxytocin pumping and bodies purring with feel good hormones.

Children and LAUGHter - what a potent combination. What a great way to unleash PEACE on this Planet.

Thank you SG Marissa for BEing a peacemaking, trendsetting, creatrix of adventure.

Interview #1 - Laughter Yogini Goddess Adele

Laughter Yogini Goddess Adele