Day 2 - Lucky Girl - 07/01/10
I was praying to the Universe for a baby. All my cousins are pregnant. I am the only remaining female in the family without babies. WSM Noah and I are married 13 years. You know, time to start a family, skip the pregnancy part and let me have a baby meow. Ha ha ha. Be careful what you ask for. This is how LUCKY GIRL came into my life.
So, I proceeded with life as usual. In fact, I think I had more activities on my schedule than usual. Tee hee ~@~ So the Universe gave me a gentle life lesson to re-align me. Ha ha ha.
GingerMama and I were walking SG Susan and her kids home.We had just enjoyed a lovely sun and swim afternoon. The day was winding down. Doggess-Goddess Molly came out to say Hi to GingerMama. And then Daisy, Molly's sister, came out to sniff around. Daisy and GingerMama do not yet see eye to eye. A dog brawl began. SG Susan and I ran to get the hose and spray the dogs to separate them. As the dogs let go of each other, my flip flops got entangled in the hose. I saw myself go down for the fall - in slow motion - you know it's happening and there is no thing you can do to prevent it or change it. I pasted a smile on my face and went down laughing - Ha ha ha. I heard/felt/knew something cracked.
It's OMazing how we, as women, can just pick ourselves up and keep on going - something about being a good role model to the little peeps that are watching. Tee hee ~@~ I picked myself up - dusted my injuries off and walked GingerMama home. At home, I did what my soul longed for - RELEASE - I cried. No more brave front. I just let the emotions spill out. I checked my injuries. Two very badly bruised swollen shins, scratched up toes and elbows, massive bruise on my hip and some road rash.
At the time, I didn't make the connection between my prayer and this phenomenon - this INcident. And yet, at home, with my legs up and ice packs all over - there was no thing else to do but to Heed the warnings and HEAL. Ha ha ha.
Lucky Girl's warm little body purring me back to health. I am paying attention to the signs. Going back to the teachings. The 40 days. When a new soul enters your life, 40 days to bond and allow the little PEEP to embrace this Universe. Back to bed with Lucky Girl - cancelling all my appointments and focusing on the gift of life - the baby given to me.
So lets get this straight, you think the cat is your child?