Monday, July 18, 2011


I was looking for a sign. My next step. Wondering where it would come from.

Today, they came back home.

A lovely visit with SG Michelle, my totally intuitive and hotCHI healer, and she had them waiting for me. All wrapped in a box with a book.

I was so excited, I gently fingered the box on my way home.

I looked at them longingly. It has been a while.

I had let them go - passed them forward - thinking instead of feeling my truth about them.

And here they are again. They found me - again.

In my yoga studio, I open the box and they come spilling out - the fairies, the Topsy-Turvies, the Ogres, the helpers and guardians, the lovers and guides.

Having them in my hands again - it's like an old love - so familiar and yet so new.

The book jumps open to fairy dancing -

"we follow our intuitive knowing and inner rhythm.

We let our breath, bones and muscles guide us.
Our hearts can sense the dance even

when our minds don't know it."

So true and how often I forget. The energy dance of my body. The sacred breath. Letting myself be the movement. Swaying. Woohoo.

"Letting go of conscious control.

Dancing from the sacral center,

movement of the pelvis,

because that is our connection

with magic and power."

My card, my guide, my fairy today - HE of the Fairy Sword, upside down.

Meaning: How may I free strength and will in my life and allow the vital force to flow through?

Oh yes, my Goddess - let me dream and meditate and gravitate to that ha happy place where I know.

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