I just returned from Ecuador - more specifically Vilcabamba, Valley of Longevity, and even more precisely, MonteSuenos, Mountain of Dreams.
My heart called me to this sacred space from the MOMent I heard its name. WSM Noah asked me "Why Ecuador?" I knew not why, I just knew I had to go and explore, experiment and express.
SisterGoddess Lourdes' daughter and her partner brought a group of women and a few brave and bold men together for a Sacred Nature Journey of the Sierras of Ecuador.
I spent one glorious fabulous week in a sacred space of creativity - a space created by one woman and her hubby - her vision of what our world can be - through the eyes of the Divine Feminine. This space nurtured my soul, my body and my heart.
I met new peeps and reconnected with some I already knew. I felt like I was living out of a novel - EAT, PAINT, PRAY - hahaha.
Our days were OMazing - woke up to a SisterGoddess police officer who kicked my ass doing cardio at 5:15 a.m. with the dogs and burros and roosters singing their melodies. Sunrise yoga stretching our bodies as the sun lifted over the mountaintops. Yummy fruit breakfasts and walk down the mountain for some green juice. A walk back up the mountain for my morning workout and then sacred painting circles. Followed by Laughter Circles and lunch. Woohoo.
I had the pleasure and joy of being with three of my laughter yogini peeps, SisterGoddess Lourdes, SisterGoddess Nilsa and WSM Victor. WSM Victor and I would laugh all the time - just looking at each other - for no reason at all except it felt great.
Our house, at the top of the mountain, had a fabulous place to laugh. Right around the firepit, overlooking the valley of Vilcabamba and the mystical magical Mandango Mountain, SisterGoddess Lourdes led a Laughter Circle almost every day. Just before lunch, we would walk up to the firepit, overlooking the valley of Vilcabamba and shaHAhakti shaHAhake and laugh like lawnmowers and HO HO HAHAHA - playing and hugging and laughing and moving our bodies. We laughed so hard residents of both houses could hear us. The kitchen staff would crack up as they were preparing our delicious meals, mixing into our food the wonderful enerchi of love and laughter.
We infused the air with HAHA chi and let it roll down the mountain into the valley and rise back up again with the delicious smelling air up the sides of all the mountains.
We yelled out affirmations in Spanish and gibberished on our mountaintop - spreading our juicy yummy enerchi for all to feel. It was OMazing - we were OMazing - life is OMazing.
A great big thaHAhank you for SisterGoddess Lourdes and bringing Laughter Yoga to Ecuador, from the beaches to the mountains and next year into the rainforests.
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