I'm asking for help - knowing I cannot do this PEACE process alone - reaching out to my community and asking for things beyond my wisdom and know-how.
This HAHA practice makes me so happy - getting together and laughing and making our muscles strong and changing our vibration and sharing our enerchi. I want to expand my practice. I'd like to reach more people.
I am asking for assistance in creating a movement - a laughter movement - looking for expertise in creating a non-profit organization that will teach stress relief techniques through laughter, conflict resolution through laughter, haHAhappiness moments through laughter. Building a school of thought and movement that brings levity to life situations.
I am asking for assistance in creating a movement - a laughter movement - looking for expertise in creating a non-profit organization that will teach stress relief techniques through laughter, conflict resolution through laughter, haHAhappiness moments through laughter. Building a school of thought and movement that brings levity to life situations.
I am asking for assistance in getting more people certified as laughter leaders in our community so we can have more laughter circles in more places more often -creating a wave of HAHA enerchi. I am asking for financial support so I can offer scholarships to peeps who want to share laughter as their JOB - Joy of Being - and at this moment cannot.
I am asking for assistance in exchanging my energy for your expertise to reach out to busynesses who can benefit from stress relief techniques that are easy peasy and hands on eyes wide open.
I am asking for help in forming and filling a Board of Directors who can help me lead this Movement of Laughter and Love.
I am asking for the next steps that do not come easy to me - the left brain steps that evade me as I delve deeper into my right brain techniques.
I am diving deep into the arms of my community - being vulnerable and asking for help - so we can grow this HAHA movement and help ourselves and others and send aloHAhaHA energy everywhere.
Check out this TED video of Amanda Palmer - the Art of Asking
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