Monday, June 24, 2013

Zest for Life

When I get up in the morning at the crack of dawn - the first thing I think about is - I am breathing - I am alive - Today is a beautiful day.

I am up at 4:44 am.  I lay in bed and give thanks for my breath and the fact that I am alive and able to move.   I pat my arms and legs and belly and head.  Woohoo!!!

My doggessGoddess GingerMama awaits me on her couch - belly up and tail wagging - time for hugs and loving touch.    I put on my sneakers and out the door we go.   

We start our journey through the neighborhood and serenade the moon as the stars twinkle their love to us.  We chat with the squirrels and listen to the birds communicating through calls and songs.

I love this early morning time - when there is stillness in my community and it just me and Nature (and the other dogs and their owners who are up and about).   I love walking and smelling the trees and exchanging energy with the Earth.

Slowly the sky shifts - the clouds dance - and a canvas of pinks and purples and oranges and blue emerges.   The air is fragrant with plumerias and gardenias and magnolias.  A hint of night blooming jasmine remains.    

I make a wish - I put a desire out into the Universe and then I haHAha and release it.  

We walk for an hour - walking, running, jumping -  getting my heart pumping and my blood circulating.

This is how I start my day.   I feel so blessed and lucky.  

And the best part is that I may get the opportunity to do it all again tomorrow.  Woohoo!!!

DoggessGoddess GingerMama

Monday, June 17, 2013

3 Ways to Rejuvenate Quickly

The more I grow up, 
the younger I be   
The more I play  
the better is my day  
The more I tap into my inner child, 
the more OMazing it is to be me.  

Here are 3 ways I use to rejuvenate quickly and get that HAHA EnerCHI flowing:

1.     MIND: Having a child-like mind is viewing the world with wonder and excitement.  Reset your mind to breathe into the present.   Practice getting out of your head with gibberish.  Allow yourself to be silly.   Paint… with your fingers.   Draw….doodle…..rearrange objects on your desk.  Allow yourself to do something different. 

2.     BODY: Jump up and down and shake it all about.  Do a shaHAhakti shake.  Get that energy moving.  A little Hokey Pokey and putting our whole selves in or any other aBUNdance will do.   Take the bike out for a spin, go for a walk, throw the ball with a dog.  Blow some bubbles.  Take a nap on the grass and stare up at the sky and watch the cloud ballet.

3.     SOUL: Seek out people who laugh.  We absorb good vibrations and positivity.  The energy transcends – the healing energy making us feel immediately better.  Set your intention to laugh as much as possible.   Regularly laughing increases our energy field.  

Monday, June 10, 2013

Elation is a ChoHOhoice

It's a choHOhoice we make to be haHAhappy.   
To see the bright side of things, 
the cup that is half full, 
the good in all people.
I've been told that I'm a dreamer,
 not a realist, 
not for real   
Too happy - 
too positive - 
too enthusiastic.    

I was born that way.   
We were all born that way.   
With a certain joie de vivre.  
As children, we knew that to be the truth of our beings.

As I grew up, I witnessed other ways - 
worry and drama, 
worst case scenarios, 
DONT's and NO's.   
What I've learned during my brief 44 years on this planet is 
that these methods do not work.  
They just create more of the same.
Making a choice of being haHAhappy chaHAhanges everything.  
Practicing my gratitude muscle daily brings me more abundance
Opening my heart wide brings me beauty and blessings
Allowing my mind to be quiet creates a space for my intuition to be heard
Laughing out loud keeps me flexible

Elation is the Art of Being HaHAhappy 
Feeling the haHAhappy from head to toe
And deep in your bones
Emanating from your heart
Showing up as a glow
Settling on my lips as a smile
Singing you a haHAhappy song