Friday, March 18, 2011

Thursday Laughter Circles and WE

Bird Hollywood and Goddess Jean and Me

I love Thursday night Laughter Circles. Especially in the summer.

This is when I get to see those who LAUGH out LOUD no matter what.

Sweaty, hot and humid - these are hard core total discipline LAUGHers.

This is a tribute to my strong and steadfast - my 3 WSMs and the lovely Sister Goddesses who INspire their presence in our HA HA Circle.

These six HA HA peeps have been INspiring me to LAUGH out LOUD for years. Week after week, they comprise the core group of HA HA yogis/yoginis who hold sacred space for us to LAUGH out LOUD.

A great big thank you to Sister Goddess Eve and WSM David, Sister Goddess Malka and WSM George, Sister Goddess Jean and WSM Yakov.

An AbunDANCE of awesome MOMents - all on a Thursday night - woohoo.