Monday, June 25, 2012

Simplicity of the HAHA

When I first started this HAHA journey, I was having issues with my weight and my anger management.     

I had already let go of work and the toxic environment it created for me.  I chose to simplify my life - coming from a body based approach - giving my body what it needs to function optimally.  

I taught myself to work out - WALK daily for a minimum of 30 minutes so that my engine could turn over.

I reminded myself how to LAUGH - for no reason, just BEcause, as a response to everything and anything in my life. And STRETCH - so that the enerchi can flow through my body and energize me.

The Simplicity of the HAHA appealed to me because it is an ATTITUDE (the ONLY thing of which we have total control over at any time) - a physical response I DO and BE.

I taught myself to cook (pescatarian, vegetarian, vegan), juice and Uncook (RAW).      

And then I practiced.   Daily, weekly, monthly - a HAHAhabit is engrained - becomes muscle memory - once we do it over and over and over again.

A little HAHAHA in every situation makes life easy peasy.  It clears up my mind and opens my heart space so I can connect with the flow and find a solution.

Of course, a little HAHAHA in a body that is well tuned and healthy makes it HAHAHAppy too.

Noticing how much AbunDANCE I have - whatever I need at this   
moment, I haHAhave - I give thaHAhanks for all these blessings in my life.  I appreciate how a daily choice brings me more of everything I desire.

P.S.   Last week's Raw Meetup had two laughter Yoginis in the mix.  Two wonderful Omazing women who shaHAhare my passion for laughing and eating RAW.    ThaHAhank you SG Roni and SG Jan.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Planting Seeds

Yesterday, a seed I planted bloomed.  
Two months ago, I signed myself up as administrator of the Raw Food Meetup in Broward County. My passion for raw food lifestyle pushes me to shaHAhare what I know and learn more.  
Yesterday, 35 of us met at Urban Farmer and took a Farm Tour with John.  He let us taste and smell and touch fresh vibrant fruit, vegetables and herbs.  I tried raw okra, and smelled chamomile on the flower and chomped on the longest thinnest green bean I've ever seen.

I met some OMazing people as well.  Peeps who showed up for the Farm tour and to share their wisdom and raw food passion with me.  A new tribe of peeps who are as committed to their welfare as I am and who love to share what they know.

I shared oatmeal cookies and banana bread  - all raw - no milk, no sugar, no flour, no eggs -and homemade beet chips.  I tasted jackfruit for the first time (delicioso) and gained 12 new recipes to try at home.  

I am passionate about raw foods because I love how food can become superfuel in my body.  I love how raw foods create vitality and how a little goes a long way.  I love nourishing myself with enzymatic rich food.  I love giving my digestive system a gentle workout and pooping easily and effortlessly.  

WhaHAhat I put into my body converts to enerCHI to laugh with WE. And helps me stay healthy and be HaHAhappy. 

Monday, June 11, 2012



Over the years, I have prayed for CLARITY twice.  As the outer world around me gets busy with demands and obligations, my inner world screams for attention.
In order to get clear about ME and my purpose, I get out of my head and into my body.  I shaHAhakti shaHAhake - my fingers, my arms, my hips, my hair.  From the top of my head to my toes, I release it into the ground.  I stomp it out my feet so there is no residue and then I take a deep breath in.
Laughing is an internal shaHAhakti shaHAhake.  There is an eruption of air from the inside out - a convulsion of oxygen that explodes over your lips and out your mouth.

I practice my HAHA muscle every day - creating an internal volcano of blood streaming, energy coursing, water moving through my torso - allowing all my internal organs to feel the massage of movement.
As I explore my inner state, I can express myself with clarity.    I am at peace with me.  And from this open heart, I can find what I am seeking and know what next step to follow.

This is not for the faint of heart - this is another way of BEing. Hands on - eyes wide open.  From the inside out - where our wisdom within guides the way. 

Monday, June 4, 2012


There is nothing in which people more betray their character 
than in what they laugh at.   
Scientists at the University of Oxford in England found that (click that for more info) laughing with friends for about 15 minutes boosts a person's pain threshold by 10%.

A good laugh is spontaneous - something you see, hear, or feel. When you see it or hear it, it's coming from your left brain and from your mouth.   When you feel it and the HAHA comes out, it's coming from the right brain and deep in your belly.

Prolonging that laughter for about 15 minutes requires a COMMUNITY (others to laugh with you), a CIRCLE (others to reflect you to you) and ChaHAhaRACTER (laughing out loud for no reason just because we can).

Which is why WSM NoahaHAha and I practice Laughter Yoga.   It gives us the opportunity to be with other people, to keep the HAHA going so that the endorphins can flood our brains and give us that feel good sensation.  And because it builds ChaHAharacter - the strength to come from the heart and be peace in our world - one HAHA at a time.