Thursday, September 30, 2010

Full Moon Drumming

It rained all day today.
Great big sunshowers and downpours.
I wasn't sure if we would be drumming on the beach in celebration of the Full Moon.

I prayed for a PHENOMENON.
I tapped on my heart - HA HA HA - to create & hold space.
I tapped on my third eye - HA HA HA - to remind myself how I KNOW when I connect within.
I tapped on my drum - HA HA HA - it sang its song to me.

Ha HA ha to A-HA.

I opened my email and there it was. Sister Goddess Christine Steven's UPBEAT Drum Circle Newsletter. The RDA - Recommended Daily Allowance - for this month was the rhythm of LAUGHter. Ha ha ha.

(Click HERE to see her with Laughter Goddess Cristiana Carter)

So we drummed. With the winds blowing and the ocean churning - we banged our drums and HA-HA HA-HA HO-HO HA-HA... We LAUGHed and drummed until our bellies ached and our fingers tingled. We let the winds carry our "feel great" vibrations over the ocean. We allowed our bodies to move to the ancient rhythms reMEMBERed. The clouds performed a symphony of shades as we banged our appreciation and LAUGHed.

T-HA-nk you for all those who braved the elements and showed up. No coincidences, my friends. WE are the people we've been waiting for.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

LAUGHING in the Rain

I am sitting here this evening and it is pouring. The winds are gusting, the trees are swaying. Tropical Storm Nicole. WooHOO~@~

What an OMazing day. Today's Laughter Circle was magical.

SG Christina and I were finishing up our 2.1 mile walk at TY Park. The clouds provided loving shade from the sunball of heat. It got a little darker, the air got cooler and the winds picked up. A yummy breeze swept through the trees as it started to tinkle. Teeny raindrops fell on our faces refreshing our parched and hot faces.

We walked over to the car just as Mother Nature let loose. It poured. Sitting in Wee Grace as the windows fogged up. Twelve minutes we sat in the car - torrential rains - the grassy areas flooded and muddy. Not sure anyone was going to brave the storm to laugh.

3 minutes to 8 - SG Christina told me. I wrapped myself up in my pink towel and left the car to run over to the pavilion. Lights flashed, a horn went off and someone waved from their car. Ha ha ha. We looked like angels aggregating in the rain. Is this the happy group? the man under the pavilion asked. Ha ha HA.

10 of us gathered together to laugh and stretch and breathe together. The metal roof hammered rain drops around us as we HA HA HEE HEEd. We hugged, we danced and we LAUGHED out LOUD. until the sun came out. Woo hoo ~@~

Thank you Universe for sending SG Diani and SG Victoria - two yummy laughing OMazing mother in laws.

Woohoo ~@~

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Day 2 - Lucky Girl - 07/01/10

I was praying to the Universe for a baby. All my cousins are pregnant. I am the only remaining female in the family without babies. WSM Noah and I are married 13 years. You know, time to start a family, skip the pregnancy part and let me have a baby meow. Ha ha ha. Be careful what you ask for. This is how LUCKY GIRL came into my life.
So, I proceeded with life as usual. In fact, I think I had more activities on my schedule than usual. Tee hee ~@~ So the Universe gave me a gentle life lesson to re-align me. Ha ha ha.
GingerMama and I were walking SG Susan and her kids home.We had just enjoyed a lovely sun and swim afternoon. The day was winding down. Doggess-Goddess Molly came out to say Hi to GingerMama. And then Daisy, Molly's sister, came out to sniff around. Daisy and GingerMama do not yet see eye to eye. A dog brawl began. SG Susan and I ran to get the hose and spray the dogs to separate them. As the dogs let go of each other, my flip flops got entangled in the hose. I saw myself go down for the fall - in slow motion - you know it's happening and there is no thing you can do to prevent it or change it. I pasted a smile on my face and went down laughing - Ha ha ha. I heard/felt/knew something cracked.

It's OMazing how we, as women, can just pick ourselves up and keep on going - something about being a good role model to the little peeps that are watching. Tee hee ~@~ I picked myself up - dusted my injuries off and walked GingerMama home. At home, I did what my soul longed for - RELEASE - I cried. No more brave front. I just let the emotions spill out. I checked my injuries. Two very badly bruised swollen shins, scratched up toes and elbows, massive bruise on my hip and some road rash.

At the time, I didn't make the connection between my prayer and this phenomenon - this INcident. And yet, at home, with my legs up and ice packs all over - there was no thing else to do but to Heed the warnings and HEAL. Ha ha ha.

Lucky Girl's warm little body purring me back to health. I am paying attention to the signs. Going back to the teachings. The 40 days. When a new soul enters your life, 40 days to bond and allow the little PEEP to embrace this Universe. Back to bed with Lucky Girl - cancelling all my appointments and focusing on the gift of life - the baby given to me.

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Matriarch SG Maria and her Tribe
Sister Goddess Mama Maria hails from the Dominican Republic. She spent 40 years in the New York/New Jersey area. Having made Florida home for 4 years – she's been an active participant of Laughter Yoga. She is an OMazing LAUGHTER Yogini - gets me LAUGHING out LOUD when she gibberishes. Ha ha ha. And she has these OMazing MOM hugs.

For the past 20 years, SG Mama Maria has been a single mom to 4 beautiful children. During this time she raised fabulous kids while putting herself through college twice. She graduated Magna Cum Laude twice with degrees in Administrative Assistant and Human Services. She then spent 2 years volunteering for a nursing home. They loved her so much, they hired her back for 8 more. Tee hee~@~ Today, her JOB – Joy of Being – is working at home – taking care of the second generation of progeny – all Goddesses In Real Life – as she empowers their Moms – to succeed in the world.

SG Mama Maria has three daughters (Sister Goddesses) and one son (WSM). This one generation has given her another - 4 Goddesses In Real Life Granddaughters. Just like their mama, her children are kindhearted and intelligent.

Goddesses In Real Life Kiana & Nakia


SG Mama Maria hurt her back a few years ago and this event changed her choices in life. The back pain was excruciating and caused even more stress to her body. She found LAUGHter Yoga while exercising in the park with her sister, SG Francis. SG Mama Maria says:

“After the second time that I went to laughter yoga, I felt so much better.
I said to myself: what is this? Why is my pain half-way gone? Laughter Yoga is
helping me with my pain management. I constantly invite people to join our
circle at the park. I express my opinion that it will make them feel better and get
healthier and they can take advantage of Laughter Yoga. “

SG Mama Maria is the Matriarch of her family. As such, she has a strong influence on her family’s spiritual life. She believes play is important. We have been blessed to laugh with all three of her SG daughters and all her GIRL granddaughters. And all three generations have drummed under the full moon together.

SG Mama Maria Mantra: “We have to be there for family when they need us”

Thank you for being part of our lives SG Mama Maria.
We are so INspired by your gentleness and kidness and kindness.
Thank you for making Tuesdays and Wednesdays so much fun

Full Moon Drumming 12/02/09

Full Moon 10/09

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Forgot my Identity

One of our Laughter Goddesses forgot her IDentity.
Tee hee ~@~
A pair of black sunglasses - with IDENTITY stamped into the arm.
So freeing to laugh and let go of our Identities - if even for a moment.

Ha ha ha~@~