Thursday, September 30, 2010

Full Moon Drumming

It rained all day today.
Great big sunshowers and downpours.
I wasn't sure if we would be drumming on the beach in celebration of the Full Moon.

I prayed for a PHENOMENON.
I tapped on my heart - HA HA HA - to create & hold space.
I tapped on my third eye - HA HA HA - to remind myself how I KNOW when I connect within.
I tapped on my drum - HA HA HA - it sang its song to me.

Ha HA ha to A-HA.

I opened my email and there it was. Sister Goddess Christine Steven's UPBEAT Drum Circle Newsletter. The RDA - Recommended Daily Allowance - for this month was the rhythm of LAUGHter. Ha ha ha.

(Click HERE to see her with Laughter Goddess Cristiana Carter)

So we drummed. With the winds blowing and the ocean churning - we banged our drums and HA-HA HA-HA HO-HO HA-HA... We LAUGHed and drummed until our bellies ached and our fingers tingled. We let the winds carry our "feel great" vibrations over the ocean. We allowed our bodies to move to the ancient rhythms reMEMBERed. The clouds performed a symphony of shades as we banged our appreciation and LAUGHed.

T-HA-nk you for all those who braved the elements and showed up. No coincidences, my friends. WE are the people we've been waiting for.

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