Monday, May 27, 2013


To me, FERVOR, is when you love something so much that all you do is think about it, experience it in different manners and find ways to implement it everywhere.  
That is how I feel about Laughter Yoga - it permeates my thoughts and feelings and sits deep in my bones
.  I am always trying to laugh at my life  and find the humor in every situation.

You see, what I discovered over the years is that the act of HAhaHA - laughing - has some deep physical and psychological effects.  It also helps me stay grounded and maintain my emotional balance.

I find that everything has an element of HAHA in it somewhere.  The Universe has a great sense of humor and creates opportunities for us to laugh all the time.  Although I may not see it immediately in the MOMent, I learn to breathe into it and sit with my feelings.   I tap my fingertips with a HAHA HOHO HEE HEE movement and calm my mind and warm up my body.  As my sense of wellbeing returns, I can usually see the present of the situation, the irony of the Moment, and the gift of this experience.

I am passionate about my laughter and the techniques I have to help me stay in the HAHA zone.  I find life more stimulating and rewarding from this perspective.  I am enthusiastic and ecstatic about my time here on this planet.  I am a HAhaHAppy camper.

Here is my immune booster technique.  This light touching of the fingers and the rhythmic HAHA HOHO HEEHEE chaHAhant is effective in lowering my blood pressure, regulating my emotional state and warming up my core.  It also creates a yummy tingle in my fingertips and helps me feel my chi moving.


Monday, May 20, 2013


When Noah and I first studied Laughter Yoga with Dr. Kataria in Boston, we had no idea where this would lead.  We just knew it felt good INside.  

We started offering a Laughter Yoga Circle at TY Park in Hollywood - showing up week after week every Tuesday morning and Thursday evening, rain or shine, just because we could.    When it became dark early (in the fall) we found a new location to laugh.  Our space by Hollywood Beach - outdoors, with lights, and ocean breezes.

Laughing and  building our HAHA muscle  slowly  - one baby step at a time.   Keeping the doctor away with our 15 hugs a day.  ShaHAhaking our bodies from start to end and doing the HokeyPokey because that's what it's all about.

It takes PERSISTENCE - repetition and practice - over and over again.  Showing up at the park to laugh in community, practicing in front of a mirror or just LAUGHING out LOUD. 

This creates  new neural pathways.  We form a new habit.  The movements are  engrained in our muscle memory.  The practice becomes a discipline.   The discipline of HA HA.  

Now, all these years later, persistence has paid off.   Broward County and City of Hollywood co-sponsor our events and give us yummy spaces in in nature to laugh and practice our HAHA enerchi.

Persistence with our HAHA has led to these insights:

It feels yummy to LAUGH for NO reason. It's like a present wrapped up in surprise.

It feels great to have endorphins flowing because of a minimal HA HA effort.

It feels OMazing to have the residues of LAUGHter in our body - it cha-ha-hanges our attitude and our outlook.

Monday, May 13, 2013

The Art of Asking

I'm asking for help - knowing I cannot do this PEACE process alone - reaching out to my community and asking for things beyond my wisdom and know-how.

This HAHA practice makes me so happy - getting together and laughing and making our muscles strong and changing our vibration and sharing our enerchi.  I want to expand my practice.  I'd like to reach more people.

I am asking for assistance in creating a movement - a laughter movement - looking for expertise in creating a non-profit organization that will teach stress relief techniques through laughter, conflict resolution through laughter, haHAhappiness moments through laughter.   Building a school of thought and movement that brings levity to life situations.

I am asking for assistance in getting more people certified as laughter leaders in our community so we can have more laughter circles in more places more often  -creating a wave of HAHA enerchi.  I am asking for financial support so I can offer scholarships to peeps who want to share laughter as their JOB - Joy of Being - and at this moment cannot.

I am asking for assistance in exchanging my energy for your expertise to reach out to busynesses who can benefit from stress relief techniques that are easy peasy and hands on eyes wide open.

I am asking for help in forming and filling a Board of Directors who can help me lead this Movement of Laughter and Love.

I am asking for the next steps that do not come easy to me - the left brain steps that evade me as I delve deeper into my right brain techniques.

I am diving deep into the arms of my community - being vulnerable and asking for help - so we can grow this HAHA movement and help ourselves and others and send aloHAhaHA energy everywhere.

Check out this TED video of Amanda Palmer - the Art of Asking

Monday, May 6, 2013

The HA in CHArisma

I spend time looking for things that make me laugh out loud.   A giggle or chuckle is good.  However, I prefer the breath knocked out of me as I hold my belly and sputter from the mouth and exhaHAhale my HA HAs.  WhaHAhat an invigorating feeling.

I scour YouTube for feel good moments and pleasure practices that activate the right side of my brain and allow me to tap into my belly laughter.  

Why think when you can feel?  

And that is what the essence of Laughter is truly all about.   An inward feeling of joy that bursts out of your mouth and creates sound waves - ripples that touch others.  Allowing sound vibration to emanate from within.  ShaHAharing enerchi, breath, PRANA, just by exHAhaHAling what is inside of us.   

That is what ChaHAharisma is all about - the bliss of shaHAharing what makes me juicy - an energy emanating - a vibration - a joie de vivre - an excitement for what life has to offer in every MOMent.  And shaHAharing is caring.  I am a big LOVEcat and so I transfer my enthusiasm with every breath I take.