Monday, January 20, 2014

Laughter brings Clarity

These last few weeks, I've been dealing with a lot - turning 45, letting go of my belief that I would be pregnant  at 44 (my vulnerability prayer made me see what I was ass-u-me-ing), neighbors and friends and my Little ManMeow passing away, caretaking my parents, hospitals and feeling out of sorts.

I haven't been able to sleep properly or eat properly.  I haven't been able to focus or see what direction to go.  Laughing is the only thing that got me through this cloud of grief and confusion.  It helped lessen my pain and growing aches.  It brought me back to balance - back to myself.

I didn't think I could laugh.  Yet, once I started I couldn't stop.   The floodgates of emotion had opened.  All that yummy oxygen coming in - all that shahahaking and moving my body - releasing the stiffness and stuckness of darkness and shutting down.

I had one of these MOMents of hilarity - breath knocked out of me, holding my belly, sputtering from the mouth, laughing so hard the tears started to flow.   ExhaHAhaling my HAhas as my laughter came from deep in my belly.

The OMazing thing is that I laughed from the center of ME.  I felt it touching and affecting every cell in my body.  What started within expands out until my belly laugh becomes a body laugh and all of ME is shaHAhaking.

I allowed myself the gift of laughter.  I got into my body and out of my head so I could just BE.  The HAHA enerchi centered me in the present MOMent and helped me feel my flow again.

As Madison Taylor of Daily Om puts it:  

It is easy to laugh when we feel good, but it is when the world 
appears dim that we most need laughter in our lives.

For me, hilarity brought clarity.  An A-hahaha MOMent.  An opportunity to chaHAhallenge myself to do different.  It also flooded my body with oxytocin, released my physical stress and allowed endorphins to flow into my blood stream.

Hilarity is uninhibited laughter - food of the soul - nourishing us from within.  When we feel full, we can focus and gain clear INsight into our lives.

Laughing so haHAhard and shaHAhaking it all about give you a different perspective.  It's kind of like leaning over the side of your bed and looking at your room upside down.  You see things in a whole new way.

Laughing and building a strong HAHA muscle makes me resilient to whatever chahahallenges life brings my way.  It's like having an invisible superhero cape I can put on so I can survive and thrive in any situation.

I practice my HAHA muscle every day - creating an internal volcano of blood streaming, energy coursing, water moving through my torso - allowing all my internal organs to feel the massage of movement.

As I explore my inner state, I can express myself with clarity.    I am at peace with me.  And from this open hearted space, I find what I am seeking and know what next step to follow.

This is not for the faint of heart - this is another way of BEing. Hands on - eyes wide open.  For those who want to take on life with gusto.  From the inside out - where our wisdom within guides the way. 

If you are ready for some clarity in your life, some HAHA to A-Ha, and get your juicy back on - I can help you.  Schedule a free exploratory session with me and let us find the WOOHOO in your life.

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