Monday, May 7, 2012

3 Steps to Increase our EnerCHI

People always tell me that they love my energy.  Woohoo!  Over the years, I've learned how to build that energy so I can bring HAhaHAppy from within and let it spill out into the world.

Here are 3 vital steps to increase our energy 

1. WHAT WE FOCUS ON - Where I place my attention first thing in the morning determines how juicy my enerchi is.

When I wake up in the morning before jumping out of bed and starting my day - I stretch my arms and legs. I feel my toes and stroke them in appreciation for all the work they will perform today. I fondle my fingers and rub them together. I massage my nose, my wonderful instrument of breath and smell.

I continue this discipline with my elbows, my thighs, my stomach, my ears - I give thaHAhanks to all the different body parts that make me up. I am grateful that we work together so well. I am grateful that I am healthy. I give thanks and attention to this beautiful body propelling me forward in the adventure called my life.

2. WHAT WE FEEL - Checking our emotional barometer lets us align our energy with our reality.

I take five minutes each morning to consciously breathe. I pour myself a cup of tea, and while it steeps, I sit down and close my eyes and focus on my breath.

Inhale one two three. Exhale one two three. Inhale LOVE LOVE LOVE. Exhale PEACE. Inhalamos. Exhalamos. Inhale one two three. Exhale one two three.

I give myself five minutes to just be quiet and pay attention inside. If thoughts come up, I simply take a deeper breath and hold it a moment and exhale it out. If something feels sore or not right, I just breathe and imagine myself sending my breath to that particular spot.

Inhale and smile. Exhale and smile. Aaaaaaaha ha ha.

3. WHAT WE DO - Documenting what we find for research and reference

As a pleasure researcher, I look for the good in my life and document it. I write down everything that I am grateful for and that makes my heart sing.

Today, it was the aroma of the mangos growing in the tree right outside my bedroom. And the bluebirds chirping in my oak trees. The squirrels chasing one another and jumping from the oak trees to our palm trees. My beautiful house and my orange walls. My salt water pool where I will swim today. The red hibiscus plant that gives me flowers for my tea. The opportunity to write this newsletter and shaHAhare all my findings with you.

These three vital steps reMIND me how much aBUNdance I haHAhave. It gets me into the flow and raises my mojo so I can shaHAhare my enerCHI from this space of overflow. My HaHAhappy cup runneth over.

What do you do that gets your enerCHI flowing?

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