Sunday, May 20, 2012

HA HA Action

This week I started to walk again.

After a 3 1/2 month hiatus so my fractured bones could heal, I bore weight on my right leg for the first time. In my mind, I thought it would be so easy. I mean, I have been walking for almost 43 years. For some reason, I imagined that I would get up and go and resume all my activities. Ha ha ha.

In fact, I pushed myself too haHAhard. I was so eager to "get back to normal". Back in my kitchen, on my feet, putting recipes together. Trying to walk GingerMama and establish a routine. And staying away from my bed (where I spent the last 3 1/2 months resting and recuperating).

I took it for granted that I could sit criss cross apple sauce. Now, I know it is something I am going to need to relearn. Learning to stretch my muscles and ligaments and laugh at myself through this process. Which really helps. Flooding my body full of endorphins makes the discomfort of stretching outside my comfort zone slightly easier and more pleasurable. Ha ha ha.

Learning to find a "new normal". Allowing my body to dictate the flow of movement and rest. Laughing at myself and my expectations of how things are supposed to be. Accepting that this is just right for me in this moment. Ha ha ha.

I have spent time this week being compassionate with my body and what it is telling me. Remembering that the process is what it's all about. Taking HA HA action to create small baby steps and build big change.

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